The Leader Who Struggled With Character & Credibility: The Law of Solid Ground/John Maxwell
Welcome to this week’s episode of The Way (episode #104). We are grateful for the feedback you have given on our social media platforms. This episode promises to be rewarding and instructive for leadership and followership. Don’t forget to like us and subscribe.
Let’s jump into today’s study. We are on Day 2, from The 21 Most Powerful Minutes In A Leader’s Day by John Maxwell, The Law of Solid Ground.
How are you doing in credibility and character? These are leadership essentials. Think of credibility and character as currency. Every time you make good decisions, deposits are put into your bank account. Every time you make bad decisions, withdrawals are made from your account. Good credibility and character are currencies that increase loyalty and followership. However, after one too many withdrawals, your account will be in a negative status. You will be out of currency or what we call NOT ON SOLID GROUND.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, our leader under the microscope is Samson. His story is found in the Book of Judges, chapters 13 through 16.
Let’s recap from our last episode. The nation of Israel rebelled against God and He delivered them into the hands of the Philistines. They called upon God for deliverance, and he appointed Samson as their leader. Whenever the Spirit of God moved upon him, Samson became the strongest man alive! That was his gift. That gift was tied to his Nazarite vow and relationship with God. Samson grew up and accomplished great feats for his people. Many times he defeated the Philistines. But, he lacked credibility and character. No one could trust him.