Still Under The Law?/ Pauline Methodology (Galatians 3:23-24).
The apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians said, “But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore, the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.” (Gal. 3:23-24, Nasb 2000). Here is good defense in support of the role of the law in the life of the Christian. Parts of it still work. Surely not the ceremonial and some of the civil pieces (for these would be unreasonable to uphold), but they played the crucial role as that of a schoolmaster/principal – keeping you in line till graduation. My tutor gives me guidance and insights; keeps me focused when I wish to game away the evening; keeps me in check and sometimes chastises me (in the old days, gave me a whipping). But all for a good purpose.