Christian EducationSunday School

It’s Only Thursday!/Jesus’ Final Week

Thursday, April 9, 2020

 It’s Thursday. Tomorrow, they will kill Jesus. How do Jesus and His followers spend the day?

Well, it was a long day, to say the least. Peter and John are tasked with getting ready for the Passover meal (Mk. 14:13). Would you have liked that job?

Just imagine the pressure of knowing the show is about to start, last-minute details…this is it! Three years of toil. It comes down to this last night before the curtains open. They are gathered for their last meal. Jesus sets the model for servant leadership at the gathering. Remember? 

Conveniently, no one was at the door to wash the guests’ feet. Jesus took it upon Himself (as the host) to wash the feet of everyone attending dinner. Keep in mind that Footwashing was assigned to the lowest of menial servants. At what point did He do this? When they were arguing over who was the greatest amongst themselves (Lk. 22:24). Talk about humility! (Jn. 13).  I can’t help myself…here’s what Jesus said to them:

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