
The Nature and Work of Jesus Revealed

The Book of Hebrews Study Part 1

The author of Hebrews shows Jesus as being immortal, omniscient and omnipresent (4:12-13). Jesus is from the beginning, our eternal King. Jesus the Son is first portrayed as a man. He was fully and completely human, sharing in human flesh and blood (Heb. 2:4) so that He could save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus was “the Word becoming flesh” (Hebrews 10:5). This so that He could pay the penalty for the sins of mankind and render Satan powerless through death of the cross (Hebrews 2:14). Salvation was His mission – delivering mankind from the bondage of sin to which we often become enslaved via idols and false religion which ultimately leads to rebellion, unbelief and death (Hebrews 2:15; 3:12-13).

In His human form, Jesus was subject to all the elements just like man. He was hungry, He needed sleep, He needed relationships, He worked, He had friends and enemies, He was tired, He went to synagogue, He walked and traveled like everyone else, He prayed to the Father, He cried, He suffered pain, He experienced ridicule and shame, He was falsely accused, He was abandoned, He was misunderstood, He showed compassion, He experienced grief, He got angry and was upset, He knew what it meant to feel rage and disappointment and certainly knew what it meant to work with people and seeing no return on the time and effort put into mentoring and discipleship. The unit shows us that Jesus was made lower than the angels (2:9) in order that He may “taste death for everyone.” This was His number one priority. Which leads me to describe His High Priestly role.

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