Bible Studies

Why Do We Preach Christ

Who rejected Jesus and what was/is His message?

This is a great question. I am so glad you asked! Just in case you are not familiar with Jesus’ story…He was in the beginning with the Father (He was pre-destined indeed to this work, even before the creation of the world, but has been plainly manifested in these last days for the sake of you… (1Peter 1:20-21). 

He desired a people to love Him and to worship him. So, He created – first a home (earth), then people starting with Adam and Eve. He gave them free will to choose. They did well for a while, but then allowed the devil to deceive them. Adam and Eve rejected God (Genesis 3). Since then it has been a downward spiral of human history. It has been God pursuing man and man both seeking and rejecting God. The Bible gives several examples (Cain and Abel, Jacob, Abraham, Samson, Moses, Pharaoh, the nation of Israel (the ultimate example of rejection) and the pattern has continued throughout history.

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