
Going Deeper With Your Content Preparation

A most satisfying piece of the educator’s instructional journey should be identifying methodologies, techniques, tools, and current data on the learning experience. Dr. Gary Bredfeldt, author of Great Leader Great Teacher (2006) identified some basic competencies of the educational leader.

  • Deliver a CLEAR MESSAGE: During preparation, you know exactly what message you intend to communicate. Be clear on the Big Idea and use a cohesive set of ideas and concepts your students will comprehend. Consider your audience…Do you feel your message will land? Consider connecting emotionally with your students, validate your point/Big Idea with facts, Scripture, stories, language tools), and consider using language familiar to your audience.
  • Utilize methods that PROMOTE LEARNING: Ensure the choice of methodology promotes deeper levels of thinking, learning, and understanding. Can your students envision a future for themselves in light of your presentation? Is your style of teaching didactic? 

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